National Parks

Misty highland meadows and tall escarpment forests make up much of Southern Ethiopia, but the region is also incised by the gaping kilometer-deep tectonic scar we know as the Great Rift Valley, its acacia-swathed floor dotted with beautiful lakes renowned for their diverse profusion of birds. The ethnic diversity of this astonishing region embraces modern cities such as Hawassa and Arba Minch, but also the walled hilltop warrens of the Konso Cultural Landscape, the remote tribes of South Omo, the singing wells of the desert-dwelling Borena, towering Dorze homesteads and thousand year old island monasteries.

What to see?

The Altash National park is the green belt of the vast Sudanese desert and the westerner part of Ethiopia.
Geralle is a park established to protect the remnant populations of several conservation significant wildlife species, including African Elephant, African Hunting Dog, Cheetah, Lion and Giraffe.
Ethiopia’s most important biodiversity hotspot, Bale Mountains National Park supports a rich mosaic of high-altitude habitats including lush evergreen …
Ethiopia’s premier trekking and walking destination, the 412km2 Simien Mountains National Park was inscribed as a Natural World Heritage Site in 1979 …
Extending over almost 7,000 square kilometers to the southeast of Harar, Babile Elephant Sanctuary is a vast and spectacular reserve comprising wide …
Considered more as a point of departure for the southern extremities of Ethiopia, including the Omo Valley, the city of Arba Minch’s is full of natural …