Kafta Shiraro National Park

One of the country’s Elephant destinations which situated at the northern tip of the country bordered by Eritrea and the Tekeze River channel. The Kafta Shiraro National Park is decorated with arid land plant species, riverine forest, and savanna grassland and palm trees.

What to See?

WildlifeElephant, Red-fronted Gazelle, Greater Kudu, Roan Antelope, and Water back.

Birds: Meyer’s (Brown) Parrot, Abyssinian Roller, Demoiselle Crane, Egyptian Plover, different species of Sand grouse birds

The Kafeta Shiraro National park is found 1,015 km from the capital Addis Ababa. The Kafeta Shiraro National park can be accessed through the town of Humera. There is a scheduled Ethiopian airlines flight to Humera. With a surface drive, the park can be accessed from Gondar or Shire.

It is highly recommended to come with your vehicle from Humera or Shire. But after you arrive in the park, the park wardens will take you around inside the park. The majority of the park can only be visited on foot.

There are basic hotels and guest houses in the town of Humera. Camp sites are available within the park.