Geralle National Park

Geralle National Park is primarily established to conserve endangered wildlife species of the country; gerenuk, giraffe, and elephants. The  National  Park has an area of  ~1800 km2  and the altitude in the area ranges from 800  to 1380  m  a.s.l.  GNP  consists of four major vegetation types:  grassland,  savanna land, bushland, and mountainous rocky areas with sparse vegetation.  It is bordered by the  Dawa River in the north and east and by the Kenyan border in the south.  So far,  about  36 mammal species and 183  bird species have been recorded from the park. Almost 25 percent of the countries endemic birds are inhibited in the area.

What to See?

Wildlife: Elephant, Gerenuk, Greater, and Lesser Kudu, Beisa Oryx, Grant Gazelle.

Birds: White-tailed Swallow, White-winged Dove, Juba Weaver, Black-fronted francolin.

Originally created to conserve rare animals like Giraffe and elephants, this park is also known for great birdlife. The park consists of grasslands, woodlands, open shrublands, and exposed soils. Located far from Addis and with a low human density, this park is truly secluded.

Locatied in the Liben zone of the Somali regional state of Ethiopia, the park is best accessed from the town of Yabello in Borena zone of the Oromia region.

The park warden within the park will take you around.

There are basic and standard hotels in the city of Yabello. Camping also an option within the park.