Yangudi-Rassa National Park

Yangudi-Rassa National Park is in the center of the Afar Region (in the northern section of the Rift Valley) between the towns of Gewani and Mille, and 500 km from Addis Ababa. Yangudi mountain lies on its south-eastern boundary and is surrounded by the Rassa plains. Habitats include riverine forests along the Awash river, marshes and small lakes, dry riverbeds, rocky hills, sandy semi-desert, and wooded grasslands. The sandy semi-desert and wooded grassland make up the largest portion of the park. The two main ethnic groups inhabiting this area are the Afars and the Issas. Ethnic feuds have been frequent between them, but most of the park happens to be in an area where they avoid each other.

What to See?

More than 230 species have been recorded in this area. Being situated on an important migration flyway, many migratory species have been found including Falco naumanni and Circus macrourus, both of which are recorded regularly on migration and during the winter. Other species of interest include Phoenicopterus minorPetronia brachydactyla and Ardeotis arabs. The park supports an important population of Equus Africanus (CR) and at least 35 other species of mammal.

Yanguidi Rasa national park is best accessed from the town of Gewane on the way from Awash to Mille which is found 284 km from the capital Addis Ababa. Private tour companies from Addis Ababa will take you to the park.

Once you reached to Park, the wardens will take you around to visit the park.

Camping is the only option to stay in the park.