Sporting events

Ethiopians are well-known for their enduring love for sporting activities. Athletics; in particular running is an integral part of people’s way of life. Renowned for having produced a succession of world-beating long-distance running champions, including the legendary Haile Gebrselassie, Ethiopia now also hosts several annual high-altitude running events. These include Addis Ababa’s 10km Great Ethiopian Run which is hosting more than 40,000 participants annually and the Ethio trail, a trail running race set in scenic Abijatta-Shala National Park, and wonchi Crater Lake. Even if the level of football is rudimentary the energy and the atmosphere of football stadiums that spectators create is one of the finest activities to experience.

Despite its bottom rank in world football, people in Ethiopia are ardent supporters of football matches. The energy and the color of stadiums during a competitive game in many parts of Ethiopia are a must to experience. Traditional and cultural games are also played in many corners of Ethiopia. From those traditional outdoor sports horse riding is makes the premium which played on both on holidays and common days.