The Omo National park

Omo National Park is where one can be accustomed to a variety of mammal species with an enormous number in a glance in plain areas of the park. The Omo River is that life emanates over also tranquil the real nature. Unspoiled nature, an unspoiled culture where the authentic colors of nature twinkle. The park arguably holds one of the best wildlife concentrations in the country. . Some of the common wild animals that are found within the park are Common Eland, Buffalo, Elephant, Cheetah, Lion, Giraffe, Topi/ Tiang, African Wild Dog, and Hippopotamus. The bird species include Eastern Gray plantain eater, Yellow Bill, Brown Parrot, Dark Chant Goshawk, Sppoted ticknee, Verraux’s Eagle Owl, Starling Spices.

What to See?

One of the least developed areas of the country, a trip to Omo National Park is like a journey back in time. A visit provides the chance to see undisturbed ancient cultures as well as to see diverse wildlife and habitats. The park is crossed by a number of rivers and there are several hot springs. Omo park is an ideal place to witness an immense bundle of wildlife and birdlife. Omo park is probably one of the standout national parks in Ethiopia to see the majority of the big five.

The Omo national park is found 867 km from the capital Addis Ababa in Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s regional states Ethiopia. Its found between South Omo and Benchi Maji Zone. The South Omo zonal administration seat Jinka is the gateway to the Omo Valley and Omo national park. Jinka is found 710  km from Addis Ababa. If you opt for flight Ethiopian airlines have a daily flight to Jinka. From Jinka you can drive to the Omo National park in a private rented car.


The scout at the Omo National park will take you around the park. Make sure you take a tour operator company with you.

The Lodges inside the National park is the best accommodation option for travelers.  Camping also an additional option to stay in Omo park.